from €128,00
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The May Fair Hotel

Virginia Beach, VA, USA View on map
Excellent from 838 reviews
100% of guests recommend


Offering quality accommodations in the restaurants, sightseeing and shopping area of Mayfair, The May Fair Hotel is a popular pick for leisure travelers. The May Fair Hotel is near the Buckingham Palace and Bond street’s exclusive jewelry stores, cafe and boutiques as well as Berkeley street’s world famous restaurants. It’s the perfect base from which to explore the fashion, art and culture that make this property the place to be for locals, celebrities and business travelers. Green park station is around the corner, providing easy access to Canary Wharf. With its convenient location, the property offers easy access to the city’s must-see tourist destinations.

At The May Fair Hotel, every effort is made to make guests feel comfortable. The property offers stylish doubles & family rooms to luxurious suites and 8 splendid signature suites. The property’s bedrooms features elegant, contemporary decor, Italian marble bathrooms and luxury Visping beds with down pillows and 350 thread count Egyptian cotton bedding.

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Hotel Facilities

Air Conditioning
Airport Transport
Smoking Room
Spa & Sauna
Washer & Dryer
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Hotel Theme



Check In 12:00 pm
Check Out 12:00 pm


Family Suite






Review score

Based on 838 reviews

Traveler rating

Very Good


5 /5
5 /5
5 /5
5 /5
5 /5
838 reviews on this Hotel - Showing 151 to 200


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